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‘You cannot fail to be moved by this masterpiece.’
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The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
A very fair and well written account, beyond my expectations of a 'Teach Yourself' book, filling a large hole in public knowledge of the conflict. Customer Review, 2024
This book is the essential guide to the extraordinarily complicated and developing situation in Israel/Palestine. Fully updated to reflect the tense and troubling changes in the region since 7 October 2023, this book puts the present situation into its broader context and, examining all perspectives, it unravels the origins and development of issues which make the headlines daily. Each aspect of this complex conflict is explained with engaging objectivity which will ensure you can examine the issues from all perspectives and in a social, political, historical and international framework.
‘As always, you were fabulous!’
Research and Pedagogy Lead at Noadswood School after a day of video workshops
‘A fascinating mix of science, history, literature and religion, with a strong and engaging authorial voice,
that will appeal to a wide audience.’
Judges announcing the ALCS / Society of Authors Educational Writers’ Award Winner for Moon (OUP)
‘A thumping good read!’
The Kentish Gazette on One Crowded Hour (Warner)